“Farewell Unity”, from Fcitx, or ?…

I can’t really calm down.

If you know something about me, you might know that I HATE where input method cannot work in Linux. So I even make a page in fcitx Wiki.


So, this time, our old friend, Unity will come back into this hall. Because of this,


I can hardly say what they do is wrong, because they might not have time for develop a plugin, or they just want to provide a non-crash Unity (Which from my point of view, their programming skill is sucks.), or something else.

Technically, there might be a way to fix this, which need to introduce an new im module system for nux, which doesn’t exist now. It will need some work and it can hardly be fixed before Ubuntu 12.04 released.

But, if you use fcitx, or any other input method in spite of IBus, and you don’t want to switch to IBus in Ubuntu 12.04, you can click “also affects me” at the top of the page.

I’ve already notified hime and uim community for this.

I don’t use Unity, I can simply throw Unity away from Fcitx’s support list. But I know there ARE some people care about this, so if you have some need for this, please help yourself.

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4 Responses to “Farewell Unity”, from Fcitx, or ?…

  1. Adaptee says:
    Firefox 11.0 GNU/Linux


    顺便瞅了一眼那个 “Hall of shame”, krunner 的 upstream report 在这:

  2. kevin says:
    Google Chrome 18.0.1025.151 GNU/Linux x64


  3. Mucid says:
    Chromium 18.0.1025.151 Ubuntu 12.04 x64


  4. .txt says:
    Chromium 18.0.1025.168 Ubuntu 12.04


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